About the AFMM

The Academy of Film and Multimedia Marubi was established in 2004. In 2008, after a process of recognition and professional expertise by CILECT, it became a representative of Albania, a full member of CILECT (Centre de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et Télévision), world’s major film-schools association.

As the first film-school in Albania, it was founded in Tirana in October 2004 by OraFilm Production Company, with the support of the Albanian Filmmakers Association Lumière, and several western countries.

AFMM acts in accordance with the Law on Cinematography no. 8096, dated 21.03.1996, amended by Law No. 9353 dated 03.03.2005. It is currently an independent institution of higher education, supported by the Kinostudio Foundation. AFMM is recognized by the Albanian Government as the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi with Special Status, according to the Decision of Council of Ministers Nr.229 dt.26.04.2018 (VKM 229 dt 26042018). AFMM has been accredited for years by the Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education with decisions Nr.227 date 26.05.2008, Nr.111 date 15.12.2017, and decision nr.2 date 24.01.2020. It is currently in the process of periodic institutional re-accreditation.

  • Discovering, preparing and qualifying of young talents in Film and Audio – Visual Industry.
  • The exchange of regional contacts and  skills between new talents in South – Eastern Europe.
  • Improvement of technical and creative capacities in the region.
  • Improvement of economic, commercial and artistic figures in Albania and in the region.
  • Revitalization of industrial film process.
  • Providing qualified technicians for media and film industry.

Teaching methodology is based on Theoretical Lessons and Practical Assignments inspired on the best tradition of European and American Film and Audio Visual Industry.

AFMM works with 16 Albanian Professors and Professionals as well as many foreign Professors and Professionals from all around the world.

Lessons are held in Albanian mainly, but as well in English, German, French and Italian.

Students are involved by rotation in practice, in all the chain of production, digital and optical, Image and Sound.
