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Call for application to Filmmaking Training for Young Filmmakers 
2020 – Part 2

Call for application to Filmmaking Training for Young Filmmakers 
2020 – Part 2

Youth Artivists For Change (YAC):
Filmmaking Training for Young Filmmakers / Part 2
September 17-21, 2020


Festivali Ndërkombëtar i Filmit për të Drejtat e Njeriut IHRFFA, me organizatën Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA), në bashkëpunim me organizatën Hollandeze Stichting Art.1 në kuadër të projektit rajonal Youth Artivist for Change (YAC) së bashku organizojnë trainimin 5 ditor me temën Trajnim për Kineastë/Artistë Vizualë të rinj, ne datat 17-21 Shtator 2020, pranë Akademisë së Filmit dhe Multimedias MARUBI, Tiranë, në Kinostudio, rruga Aleksandër Moisiu.

The training course will be organized from 17th to 21st of September 2020, the working hours are from 10:00 until 17:00,

the working language will be in English;

the training course, itself, will be organized ar the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi, Kinostudio, Tirana.

The trainer of this training course is Saleem Salameh, from The Netherlands.

This training is organised by the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi and Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA), in cooperation with Stichting Art.1 from the Netherlands.

These films are supposed to discuss and talk about topics such as human rights and LGBTQ+ rights.

To apply, fill in the google form before September 15th.
Accepted applicants will be contacted via e-mail/phone.


Kushtet për aplikim:

  1. të jeni mes 16 dhe 24 vjec,
  2. të flisni anglisht,
  3. të aplimoni përmes Google Form deri me dt 15 Shtator 2020.
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