Filmmaking training for Young Filmmakers/Visual Artists 

Filmmaking training for Young Filmmakers/Visual Artists 

Youth Artivists For Change (YAC):
Filmmaking training for Young Filmmakers/Visual Artists
May 10-13 2019


Festivali Ndërkombëtar i Filmit për të Drejtat e Njeriut IHRFFA, me organizatën Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA), në bashkëpunim me organizatën Hollandeze Stichting Art.1 në kuadër të projektit rajonal Youth Artivist for Change (YAC) së bashku organizojnë trainimin 4 ditor me temën Trajnim për Kineastë/Artistë Vizualë të rinj, ne datat 10-13 Maj 2019, pranë Akademisë së Filmit dhe Multimedias MARUBI, Tiranë, në Kinostudio, rruga Aleksandër Moisiu.


This training is designed to enable young activists who want to become filmmakers, emerging filmmakers, photographers and visual artists. The training will be conducted by Stichting art.1, experts from the international film festival circuit and local experts. Young filmmakers will be encouraged in producing their films through trainings and workshops at iDeaLAB and through the Impact Your Doc grants.

Throughout this training you will learn everything about filmmaking. There will be an explanation of the project Youth Artivists for change, funding opportunities within the project to make your film happen. And you will get to know our trainers and your fellow participants. It will immediately get practical and you will learn about camera’s and basic film techniques.
We will start developing your film ideas trough different brainstorm- and writing techniques on topics Human Rights, LGBTIQ+ rights and Gender Equality. You will advance your filmmaking skills through practical film exercises and by watching a lot of film fragments. Our trainers will sit with you in one on one meetings to talk about your film idea.
You will learn all about editing. If you happen to have a laptop, please bring it, so we can install Adobe Premiere on it and you can work on your own computer. If you don’t have a laptop, don’t worry, we will have one for you. Of course, we will watch some more films & discuss storytelling theory. In the afternoon, our trainers will sit with you in one on one meetings to develop your film idea further. You are going to combine all the knowledge you accumulated over the last days and we are going to create a short film together (in 8 hours!) and premiere it at the end of the day! At the end of the workshop we will evaluate what we have learned and create some goals together for the next workshop in the Autumn. Your trainers might be gone for several months, but your local facilitator will help you develop these ideas until we all meet again!”

The training course is organized from 10th to 13th of May 2019, the working hours are from 10:00 until 17:00, the working language is English; the training course, itself, is organized at the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi, Kinostudio, Tirana.

The trainers of this training course are Nienke Eijsink, from The Netherlands and Arianit Gjonbalaj from the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi in Albania.
This training is organised by the Academy of Film & Multimedia Marubi and Open Mind Spectrum Albania (OMSA), in cooperation with Stichting Art.1 from the Netherlands.


Target janë mosha 15 – 24 vjeç. (mund të kemi përjashtime për moshën dhe cdo i interesuar është i inkurajuar që të aplikojë.)


Kushtet për aplikim:

  1. të jeni mes 15 dhe 24 vjec,
  2. të flisni anglisht,
  3. të shkruani një letër motivimi


Afati për aplikim është data 5 Maj, ora 12pm.

Ky projekt zhvillohet në bashkëpunim me organizatën Stichtingart 1 në Hollandë.

Ky cikël trajnimesh mbështetet financiarisht nga Ministria e Jashtme e Hollandës.

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