Francophonie 2019 – “Rudar” by Hanna Slak

Francophonie 2019 – “Rudar” by Hanna Slak


Në kuadrin e Pranverës së Frankofonisë 2019

Cikli “Cinéma des Pays Francophones”

Në bashkëpunimin me Ambasadën e Sllovenisë në Shqipëri

TĂ« MartĂ«n 12 Mars – 19:00

“Rudar” (Minatori)

nga Hanna Slak

2017 – 1 orĂ« 38 min – biografik, historik – nĂ« sllovenisht  me titra frĂ«ngjisht 

Alija është një emigrant boshnjak, i cili, tridhjetë vjet më parë, ka ardhur të punojë në minierat e qymyrit të Sllovenisë. Situata është e vështirë dhe papunësia bëhet kërcënim. Shefi i beson atij dhe një stazhieri të ri, eksplorimin e një miniere të braktisur, përpara se ta shesë atë. Por në këtë pus të mbyllur për një kohë shumë të gjatë, fshihet një sekret i tmerrshëm.


Dans le cadre du Printemps de la Francophonie 2019

Cycle “Cinéma des Pays Francophones”

En coopĂ©ration avec l’Ambassade de SlovĂ©nie en Albanie

Mardi 12 Mars – 19:00

“Le Mineur”

de Hanna Slak

2017 – 1h38 – biographique, historique – en slovène sous-titrĂ© français
Alija fait partie des immigrés bosniaques qui, trente ans plus tôt, sont venus travailler dans les mines de charbon de Slovénie. La conjoncture est mauvaise et le chômage menace. Son patron lui confie la tâche d’explorer avec un jeune stagiaire une mine abandonnée avant de la vendre. Mais dans ce puits scellé depuis tant d’années se cache un terrible secret.


In the frame of the ‘Printemps de la Francophonie 2019’

Cycle “Cinema from Francophone countries”

In cooperation with the Embassy of Slovenia in Albania

Tuesday 12 March – 7 p.m.

“The Miner”

by Hanna Slak

2017 – 1h38 – biography, historical – in Slovenian subtitled in French

In 2007, a Slovenian miner of Bosnian origin was sent to break into a sealed mine and report on what is inside. After 2 years of risking his life working in extremely dangerous conditions, he discovered a hidden mass grave of 4000 war refugees killed after the end of WW2. This discovery was a shock to the Slovenian society. The miner, Mehmedalija Alic, was made redundant for insisting that the victims be brought out of the mine, identified, and buried.

The director Hanna Slak met Alic in 2010 and helped him to pen his story. In 2013, Alic’ autobiography A NOBODY (Nihče) was published and soon sold out. Slak subsequently adapted it into THE MINER, a fiction film with thriller elements about the miner and his family, his work in the abandoned mine, his persistence to dig out the truth, and his strive for social justice.

THE MINER was the Slovenian entry for Academy Awards 2018, and has been awarded 20 different awards at international film festivals so far, including 3 Awards for Best Actor Leon LuÄŤev.


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