Francophonie 2019 – “Pickpocket” by Robert Bresson

Francophonie 2019 – “Pickpocket” by Robert Bresson


In the frame of the Spring of Francophonie 2019

With the support of the Institut français

Thursday 21 March – 19:00


de Robert Bresson

1959 – 1h15 – drama – in French subtitled in English

This incomparable story of crime and redemption from the French master Robert Bresson follows Michel, a young pickpocket who spends his days working the streets, subway cars, and train stations of Paris. As his compulsive pursuit of the thrill of stealing grows, however, so does his fear that his luck is about to run out. A cornerstone of the career of this most economical and profoundly spiritual of filmmakers, Pickpocket is an elegantly crafted, tautly choreographed study of humanity in all its mischief and grace, the work of a director at the height of his powers.


Dans le cadre du Printemps de la Francophonie 2019

Avec le soutien de l’Institut français

Jeudi 21 Mars – 19:00


de Robert Bresson

1959 – 1h15 – comĂ©die dramatique – en français sous-titrĂ© anglais

Jeune Ă©tudiant contraint d’abandonner des Ă©tudes, Michel en profite pour donner libre cours Ă  la pulsion du vol qui l’anime. Son premier larcin, le vol d’un sac Ă  main, se termine mal. Mais le hasard lui permet d’assister aux habiles tours de passe-passe d’un authentique voleur Ă  la tire. Repris par sa vocation, Michel s’exerce et ne tarde pas Ă  devenir un pickpocket hors pair…

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