Regjistrohuni për Newsletter AFM Marubi
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Viti i dytë

Second Year of studies begins with choosing the departments. Students having passed all the first years exams and practical exercises are admit-able in the second year and can chose the department.

Kamera- Montazh

  • Teknologjia e Filmit – Ndriçimi
  • Montazh
  • Efektet speciale Dixhitale dhe Optike
  • Praktikë
  • Common Lessons for the 4 departments

Skenar - Regji

  • Filmi si një imazh lëvizës
  • Skenar
  • Produksion
  • Common Lessons for the 4 departments

Total number of hours theory & practice is  900 hours.

The lessons are to be held in groups of 10 to 15 students, as well as individually. The student presence is obligate, verified and evaluated.


